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Bag PassesUpdated 5 months ago

What is a Bag Pass?

For Flexi members, a Bag Pass allows you to access any bag in the full collection for one week at a time. For full time Starter, Premium and or Deluxe members, a Bag Pass allows you to access a second bag from the full collection (regardless of your membership tier) for one week. You can pre-purchase Bag Passes and these will sit in your account, or purchase as you go. Bag Passes are priced according to collection, Starter (£35/week), Premium (£45/week) and Deluxe (£55/week).

How does a Bag Pass work?

Each Bag Pass is associated with one bag order only and is charged on a rolling week basis (a rolling week is up to 7 days, but can also be less than a full week). If you would like to access the bag for less than 7 days, you will still be charged the full 7-day rate. One Bag Pass cannot be used across multiple bags during this 7-day/week period.


I’ve ordered a bag with a Bag Pass but I want to hold onto it for another week

Once you've had the bag associated with your active Bag Pass for 5 days, we'll be in touch by email to confirm a return for the bag. If you are not ready to part ways with the bag, you have the option to hold on to it on a rolling weekly basis, until the bag's access limit is reached (1 month or 3 months). You can let us know that you would like to extend your active Bag Pass by clicking a link in the email that we send you, and you will automatically be charged for another week. 

If you don't extend your active Bag Pass, you will be required to return the bag at the end of its active week via Royal Mail as per the instructions that were included in your order.  If you don't extend the Bag pass but also do not return the bag on time,  you will automatically be charged for another week's Bag Pass.


How many bags can I access at a time with Bag Passes?

You can only have one active Bag Pass at a time, and therefore Flexi members can only have one bag at any given time. If you are a Flexi Member with an active Bag Pass and you place an order for a new bag before the end of one week, you will be required to return the bag you are currently accessing the next-working day in order for us to process delivery for your new bag pass order. Full time members can have a maximum of two bags at any given time. 


How can I use pre-purchased Bag Passes?

If you wish to redeem a pre-purchased Bag Pass, simply go to a desired bag's page, tap "Access this bag", and choose to checkout with an existing Bag Pass. Keep in mind that the Bag Pass collection needs to match the collection the bag is in. If you have pre-purchased Bag Passes and choose to extend your current active Bag Pass, you will not be able to apply any already purchased Bag Passes to the charge.

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