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COCOON Refresh PaymentUpdated 2 years ago

Can I negotiate the price once I receive my quote?

We aim to offer you the best price for your bag, based on the information that you have submitted. If you feel that your bag was undervalued, we’d be happy to have that conversation with you.

What can I do with COCOON credit?

COCOON credit can be applied toward COCOON membership and membership add-ons.

How will I be paid?

We’ll outline your options when we send you a quote. You can choose to be paid in COCOON credit, or a combination of cash and credit. The maximum cash payout is 50% of the bag valuation. A minimum of one-month COCOON membership needs to be redeemed. Where possible, COCOON will always round up to the nearest half month when exchanging into membership value. We will arrange a payout for your bag once we have received it and it has passed the physical inspection. If you have requested COCOON credit as full or part payout for your bag, please allow up to two working days for our team to register and credit your account. Any cash payouts will be made via bank transfer on the last working day of the month.

Does COCOON credit expire?

COCOON credit will be applied to your account within two working days following final acceptance and confirmation of the sale by both parties. If you would like to delay the start of your membership, this can be done by speaking to our friendly membership team. You have up to 6 months from the sale confirmation date to start using your membership credit. For existing members, credit applied towards your membership will come into effect ahead of your next charge date.

Can I use some of the payment from the bag I'm selling, towards buying a bag on COCOON?

Yes, you can apply part payment (cash or COCOON credit) towards purchasing a bag on COCOON, subject to our bag purchase terms and conditions.



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